1172 A.D.


84 m





In the historical centre of the city, in what was once the ancient Roman Forum, Piazza delle Erbe, stands the Torre dei Lamberti.

Today, with its 84 metres, and the many architectural changes that have appeared during the course of its eigh hundred years or more of history, it is the tallest building in Verona.

Construction began in 1172 at the behest of the noble and mysterious Lamberti family, of which nothing is known. They chose the Romanesque style, that was typical of the era, in brick alternating with tuff, still visible in the lower part of the building.

The Tower, which at the time was only 37 metres high, was then integrated into the Palazzo del Consiglio, built after the establishment of the Free City. Equipped in 1295 with two Rengo and Marangona bells, the tower was called “Torre delle Campane”.

In 1403 lightning struck the top of it but they only began the long restoration and elevation in 1448 that ended sixteen years later with the addition of the octagonal bell chamber in brick and white marble.

The Tower reached its current 84 meters in height and still did not have the look that we know now.

Only in 1795 it was equipped with a clock, placed in place of that of the nearby Torre Gardello who had stopped working.

Since 1972 the Tower is open to visitors who can climb up to the first level to admire unrivaled panoramic views of the city and its surroundings.

Some interesting facts

  • 4 bells

    The belfry of the Torre dei Lamberti houses four bells.

  • The Rengo

    The largest, the Rengo, sounded to summon the Arengo or the City Council and for calling the army in an emergency.

  • The Marangona

    The smallest, the Marangona, (carpenter, marangon in local dialect), sounded a warning in the event of danger of fire and it marked the hours of the day, thereby regulating the city life.

  • Bell of the hours and Rabbiosa

    It was only towards the end of the 18th century that two smaller bells, Bell of the hours and Rabbiosa, were added flanking the Marangona overlying the roof terrace.

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